The European Peer Review
The "original" European Peer Review Projects
The European Peer Review initiative started in 2003, prompted by a mandate given to a high-level working group on the European level to promote Peer Review on the European level.
A first European project "Peer Review in inital VET" (2004-2009) was developed to adapt Peer Review to vocational education and training. This project was one of the largest of its kind and involved 25 partners from 12 countries.
In two subsequent projects - "Peer Review Extended" & "Peer Review Extended II" -, the European Peer Review procedure was refined and expanded to additional countries. It's scope was extended to cover all of VET. A tool-box and Peer Training were developed to support implementation.
All in all, 38 project partners from 15 European countries took part in the three projects. Participating countries were: Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, Slowenia, Spain, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.
By 2009, the European Peer Review was ready for scaling up:
- A thematic working group developed a plan to implement Peer Review on the European level through EQAVET which were never realised.
- In a number of countries, among which are Finland, Italy, Hungary, Catalonia and Austria, the European Peer Review has since been introduced as an external instrument for quality assurance for vocational education and training.
Last but not least, the effect of Peer Review on the reviewed institutions was investigated in a follow-up project "Peer Review Impact".
Transfer of Innovation Projects
In the meantime, the European Peer Review was included as a priority in the calls for Leonardo da Vinci projects. This triggered a number of European projects dedicated to transferring Peer Review from VET to other areas of education and training provision or related activities, e.g.
- guidance and counselling
- recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning
- adult education.
Further information
All information on the original projects available from:
Additional information on the original projects can be found here
Additional information on past transfer of innovation projects can be found here.
Current projects are Europeerguid RVC and PRALINE.
Transfer of Innovation Projects on Peer Review
LdV TOI project "P.R.I.S.D.O.Q - Peer Reviews: Increasing Sustainable Development Of Quality", 2010-2012
(Associazione FORMA.Azione srl, Italy)
Contact promoter
Transfer of the European Peer Review to Lithuania, promotion of transnational Peer Review in Europe, sustainable implementation on national level.
Participating countries: IT, DE, LT, TR
LdV TOI Project "EuroPeerGuid - European Peer Review in Guidance and Counselling in Adult Vocational Education and Training" (CECOA, Portugal)
Contact promoter
Adaptation and transfer of the European Peer Review procedure to guidance and counselling in adult vocational education and training, conduct of 10 Peer Reviews
Participating countries: France, Finland, Portugal, Slovenia (2011-2012)